Offshore production of oil and gas involves some of the most challenging engineering projects of the modern industry. It also involves the risk of major accidents, which has been demonstrated by disasters such as the explosion of UK platform Piper Alpha, the capsize of the Norwegian platform Alexander Kjelland and the Canadian semi-submersible Ocean Ranger, the sinking of the Norwegian gravity base structure Sleipner A and the recent disaster of Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico.
In order to support our clients during offshore, onshore and sub-sea development projects, Nowatec offers hazard identification and risk management in the engineering and construction phase. Activities carried out by Nowatec follow the requirements and guidelines given in:
- ISO 17776; Petroleum and natural gas industries. Offshore production installations. Guidelines on tools and techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment.
- Norsok S-001. Technical safety.
- Norsok Z-013. Risk and emergency preparedness assessment.
- API RP 14J. Design and Hazard Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities.
- DNV-OS-A101. Safety Principles and Arrangements.
- HSE-UK. Guidance for the topic assessment of the major accident hazard aspects of safety cases.
Risk management work carried out by Nowatec includes:
- Performance and management of Total Risk Analysis
- Safety studies, fires, explosions, ship collision and dropped objects.
- Safety strategies, FERS, FES
- Definition of performance standards
- HSE program and activity plan
- IEC 61508 Compliance – SIL, SRS, SAR
- Functional Safety Assessment (FSA) – IEC61508/61511
- Sectionalisation & Critical Valve Study – leakage criteria
- Ignition Source Mapping Study
- Heat Radiation Study
- Hazard Register
- ALARP Demonstration